Aiming for Amazing

Ultimate Solution for
Digital Transformation

Think Bigger, Work Smarter. 

About Us

About Panda-II

Panda-II Software Technology is dedicated to the development and service of customized database applications. We adhere to the philosophy of not producing mass-market apps but rather focus on creating tailored solutions that deliver maximum efficiency for our client enterprises. Each software function is meticulously designed to seamlessly align with the operational needs of businesses.

About Our Team

Our team members not only possess profound technical expertise but also excel in communication and understanding. 

About Our Service

At Panda-II Software Technology, we not only provide customized services but also distinguish ourselves with sustainable services.

Inefficient Processes

Why Digitigation?

Dispersed Information

Are you currently encountering the following challenges?

– Considerable time invested in searching for required documents and data.

– Repetitive actions leading to suboptimal efficiency.

– Disorganized handwritten work orders and numerous Excel spreadsheets with non-interactive data.

What benefits can be derived from the digitization?

Why Customisation?

Align your software seamlessly with the operational intricacies of your company.

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Specialized Purpose App

Limited functionalities
Inability to accommodate special requests

Customised Database

Short development cycle
Capability to accommodate special requests

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Industrial System

High cost
Extended development time

Covering Industries

Comprehensive digital transformation solutions covering all industries including Textile&fashion, decoration, education, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, business service, construction and etc. 

Textile & Fashion



Business Service





What Our Clients Say

We greatly value your feedback.

The software is powerful, user-friendly, and operates at a remarkably fast speed with no lag. It features a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for workshop employees without a technical background to quickly adapt.


Hongnai Yin - Design Director
Moldtec, China

What astonished us the most was the proficiency of the Panda II team and the robustness of the software platform. All our requested features were swiftly implemented. 




Alessio Zunta - CEO
FVG, Italy
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