Know More About
The Panda-II

Think Bigger, Work Smarter. 

About Us

Panda-II Software Technology is dedicated to the development and service of customized database applications. We adhere to the philosophy of not producing mass-market apps but rather focus on creating tailored solutions that deliver maximum efficiency for our client enterprises. Each software function is meticulously designed to seamlessly align with the operational needs of businesses.

Our mission is to provide outstanding customized database application solutions that truly help our clients enhance operational efficiency and optimize business processes. We are not just a software provider but also your strategic partner in business development.

Panda-II Software Technology aspires to be an international and sustainable company. We are committed to earning the trust and respect of our clients through continuous innovation and exceptional service. We understand that only through mutual growth with our clients can our own development be truly sustainable.

We take pride in Panda-II’s successful contribution to our clients’ businesses in achieving digital transformation, making paperless production and digitalized offices a reality. We hope that through Panda-II’s efforts, we can assist more forward-thinking, high-quality enterprises in realizing digital transformation. This is not just about aiding one business but driving the entire industry towards a genuine digital era. Panda-II will continue to move forward courageously, carrying this mission at heart.

Our Team

At Panda-II Software Technology, we boast a robust and professional research and development (R&D) team. From customer needs analysis, solution formulation, software architecture construction, to programming and the creation of user-friendly interfaces (UI), our team has accumulated extensive experience and a track record of successful cases.

Our team members not only possess profound technical expertise but also excel in communication and understanding. Clients need not delve into the intricacies of specific functionalities; simply provide us with detailed descriptions of your situation, challenges, and expectations. Leave the rest to Panda-II, and we will ensure the delivery of a digital system that is user-friendly, intuitive, and tailored to your needs.

Built on a foundation of exceptional technical prowess, rich experience, and a customer-centric service philosophy, we are committed to meeting our clients' needs in the most effective manner possible. With Panda-II's professional team, we believe clients will receive a powerful and user-friendly digital solution that exceeds expectations.

Our Service

At Panda-II Software Technology, we not only provide customized services but also distinguish ourselves with sustainable services. We understand that the operational dynamics of every business are constantly changing—whether it’s the upgrade of equipment, fluctuations in personnel, shifts in production processes, or changes in organizational structures. These factors can directly impact the practicality of database software in real-world usage. However, rest assured that we have already taken this into consideration.

Unlike many software solutions on the market that may become obsolete or unattended when certain functionalities are no longer relevant, we are committed to swiftly aligning the software’s capabilities with the evolving needs of your company. We aim to be your long-term partner, witnessing every step of change on the road to success together. We will stand by you, ensuring that your digital system remains in sync with the changes in your enterprise.

Associations & Memberships

Our development capabilities have received official recognition, and we hold certifications awarded by Claris, an Apple company. 

Certified Developer
Software Copyright

Hongnai Yin

Design Director



We greatly value your feedback.

"We have been exploring ways to enhance our production efficiency, and after trying various MES systems without finding a solution, the emergence of Panda-II has rekindled our enthusiasm for digitization. Choosing the right software not only boosts our work efficiency but also makes our work and learning more convenient. The software is powerful, user-friendly, and operates at a remarkably fast speed with no lag. It features a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for workshop employees without a technical background to quickly adapt. The software includes comprehensive and standardized documentation at each stage, facilitating easy configuration and management. With a well-structured design, it integrates multiple aspects, providing an all-encompassing solution that is easy to modify and maintain. The software meets our company's requirements in terms of functionality, performance, and reliability. It has significantly increased production efficiency and reduced the complexity of handling extensive data tables. Panda-II Software Technology's service is outstanding, with an instant online support that ensures any issues are promptly addressed. This commitment has provided us with a worry-free experience during usage, and we highly recommend their services.


We come from Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy, and have dozens of prestigious wines waiting for customers to choose from. Panda II App allows us to check inventory at anytime and anywhere; provide quotations anytime, anywhere, and keep data always updated. The interface is very simple and the functions are customized according to our needs, helping us to complete orders quickly. What surprised us most was the capability of the Panda II team and the power of the software platform. All the requirements we made could be completed in a very short time.

Noi siamo del Friuli Venezia Giulia - Italia - abbiamo decine di vini prestigiosi che i nostri clienti possono scegliere. L’App Panda II ci permette di tenere sotto controllo il nostro magazzino in ogni momento e da ogni luogo, possiamo fornire quotazioni comodamente sempre e ovunque e mantenere i nostri dati sempre aggiornati. L’interfaccia è molto semplice e le varie funzioni sono personalizzate secondo i nostri bisogni e ciò ci aiuta ad evadere gli ordini velocemente. Siamo rimasti piacevolmente sorpresi dalla capacità del team di Panda II e della forza di Filemaker. Tutte le nostre richieste sono state soddisfatte in tempi rapidi.

Alessio Zunta


With Panda-II,
work gets so much easier.

It’s time to say goodbye to your paper system. 

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Accurate Recording & Easy Retrieval

User-friendly operation interface, enabling the seamless gathering and analysis of all production information with just a few clicks.

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Clear & Controllable Stock Management

Automated low-volume reminders, tracking detailed raw material in/out information, and consolidating all critical data on a single, accessible page.

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Real Time Monitoring

Real-time monitoring of all workstations, encompassing job queue status, product quantities, and daily production volumes for immediate insights.

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Production Efficiency Statistics

Automated daily statistical analysis of production volumes on each workstation, facilitating adjustments to labor and equipment allocation for optimal efficiency.

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Better Internal Collaboration

All information can be shared across different departments, fostering highly efficient internal collaborations through a unified database.

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Shorter Production Lead Time

The system automatically calculates accurate production lead times, facilitating the prioritization of orders accordingly.

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Clear Structure

From customer to order, from raw material to production, the entire database is structured with clarity to maximize user benefits.

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Each user enjoys distinct privileges, encompassing log-on methods, access levels for records, layout, and scripts, as well as read-only/data entry permissions.

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Sustainable development is committed to addressing situations such as equipment changes, modifications in workflows, and the demand for new functionalities, among others.

Our Services

We help people in solving 

digital transformation issues

Paper System Matters

Looking for a digital system instead of traditional paper-based processes?

Statistic Data

Require instant and accurate statistical data?

Data Sharing

Seeking instantaneous data sharing with your colleagues?

Cost Reduction

Seeking to optimize operational and production costs?

Performance Assessment

Looking for a transparent performance evaluation system for your employees?

Aspiring for Efficiency

Seeking to enhance production efficiency and operational efficiency?

How It Works


Step 1

We are pleased to schedule a conference meeting with you, either onsite or online, to gain a comprehensive understanding of your challenges and requirements. To make the most of our discussion, we kindly request that you prepare a clear list of your issues beforehand. This proactive approach will enable us to address your concerns more effectively during our meeting.


Step 2

After gathering information about your challenges, we will conduct a thorough analysis of your problems and needs. Subsequently, we will formulate strategic solutions tailored to your specific requirements, providing you with a range of options to choose from. The more insights we have about your unique situation, the better equipped we are to deliver optimal solutions that align with your goals

Take Action

Step 3

Initiate the implementation phase based on the solution you have selected. This may involve tasks such as developing a new application, conducting training sessions, or providing consulting services tailored to your database development needs.


What makes you different from other Firms?

We differ from many standardized software suppliers in the industry. Our focus is on customised app development, providing clients with personalized solutions. Our services not only encompass high-quality custom development but also include robust after-sales support and a commitment to sustainable future development. Together with our company has extensive experience and a professional team capable of meeting the specific needs of clients, ensuring ongoing support throughout the project lifecycle.

Many software solutions on the market that may become obsolete or unattended when certain functionalities are no longer relevant, we are committed to swiftly aligning the software’s capabilities with the evolving needs of your company. We aim to be your long-term partner, witnessing every step of change on the road to success together. We will stand by you, ensuring that your digital system remains in sync with the changes in your enterprise.

What information should i provide?

A clear list of your company departments, working process, currently having issues, function requests. 

How long does it take to develop a database app?

It depends on the size and complexity of the project.

We already have a database system, can we transfer them to a newly developed app?​

Yes, you can.

The origin of Panda-II

Panda (2015-2020) was not just a beloved pet rabbit; she was a cherished companion who shared a lifetime with Snowy (Founder of Panda-II). Panda exhibited exceptional intelligence, bravery, and remarkable resilience in facing challenges and health issues. Their journey together was filled with invaluable moments.

In remembrance of Panda and as a tribute to their unbreakable bond, Snowy decided to immortalize her name by incorporating it into the company’s identity. This serves as a heartfelt dedication to ensure that Panda’s spirit lives on in Snowy’s entrepreneurial endeavors.

The choice of “Panda-II” as the company name holds a special significance. In Mandarin, the pronunciation of “II” resembles the word for “rabbit” in English, symbolizing the enduring connection with Panda. This unique and meaningful name reflects the profound impact that Panda had on Snowy’s life and underscores the company’s commitment to embodying Panda’s qualities of intelligence, bravery, and resilience.

May “Panda-II” stand not only as a business entity but as a testament to the enduring bond between Snowy and Panda, embodying the spirit of a beloved companion who continues to inspire and accompany Snowy on this entrepreneurial journey. 

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